søndag 21. november 2010

Just to say hello... :o)

Sorry.. It's been a while since the last update. Things have been quite "normal" the last couple of months. Klara Thomine is back at day-care 3 hours, 3 days a week, and she's doing great. The latest results from the MRI scan in September was incredible.It was the greatest news ever...

It's all a bit surreal, cause a year ago we were in Houston, and got Proton treatment. It's hard to believe that we were so incredible lucky to go there for treatment. We are so thankful for that opportunity.

I (Frank Marius) is somewhat back at work again.. 2-3 days a week.
It's been quite good to be back with good colleagues..

Frank Oliver and me took a short trip to London 2 weeks ago. Main goal with the trip was Linkin Park in the O2 arena, but we also had the time to see other things too, such as Madame Taussads, Ripleys believe it or not, and the London eye.
It was a nice 4 days with shopping and sightseeing.. And concert of course..

3 kommentarer:

  1. Kjære dere,det kom sigende mange ulike tanker fra dette året,kjenner jeg... Men jeg tenker at det profilbildet av lille skjønne prinsesse Klara Thomine, det taler for seg selv <3 Det er sånn vi tror og ønsker at vi ser henne heretter.Alt annet er passert.Klemmer <3

  2. Hei:-) Så koselig å høre at alt er "normalt".:-) Det har dere jammen fortjent!!!! Håper vi sees snart.....stoor klem fra Drangedal

  3. Også må jeg jo si at det var veldig,veldig morro at dere to Frank`er kunne ha den turen til London sammen.Dere fortjente jammen en "heisatur"... ;o)
