Yesterday was exactly two years since Klara's first surgery. August 25th 2008 will always be in our memories. The terrifying news about the tumor gave us a shock, then followed a 10 hour surgery. The week after in ICU has also made it's marks in our lives. She had a terrible road to go, back to recovery. We had literally a week in Hell, follow by an indescribable feeling of joy and gratitude.
It is almost a year on the date, that we got the message that the tumor had recurred.
And down we went again. Another surgery was scheduled, and this time we where amazed how quickly she recovered. After two days she was up running, and up we went again.
The good doctors decided that we had to radiate the tumor area. The best possible treatment were discussed, and off to Houston Texas we went.
8 weeks after the second surgery, the doc's at M.D. Anderson discovered a third tumor at a different location, it had grown considerably in only the 8 weeks since the latest MRI scan. Thats rather fast for an ependymoma. Suddenly what was a planned treatment, became an uncertainty. The surgeon at M.D Anderson did not want to operate again, and they needed to discuss further actions in a meeting later that same week. Yet another week in hell. After the meeting they decided to radiate with proton anyway, and boost the new tumor. That was a relief.
After 35 rounds of radiation we went back home to Norway. Next battle arena.
Now treating side effects from radiation with steroids, then side-effects from the steroids.. and on it goes.. Hopefully we will get more clean scans in the future, and less side effects. She is doing quite well at the moment. Thank God!!
This journey has led us to many amazing people, that we otherwise would not have met. We are so thankful for all the people around the hole world that cares so much for our little Klara.. Thank you..
Takk for at du setter ord på og deler erfaringene med oss Siri - det setter livet i perspektiv.
SvarSlettJeg ser den tøffe og humpete stien, men samtidig massevis håp og betingelsesløs kjærlighet underveis. Keep up the good work!
Vakre Klara har fått de søteste krøller - en ekte søtnos er ho.
Tenker mye på dere!
Klem Nelly
en gripende historie dette her siri... takker for at du deler hele historien med oss... er bare å ta av seg hatten for dere... for en fantastisk måte du klarer å få en så tøff situasjon og alikevel holde motet oppe.... en tøff gjeng dere er....
SvarSlettkrysser fingre og alt jeg har for at at alt ordner seg til slutt....
en vakker lita jente dere har siri.... og heldig er hun som har så flotte søsken og ikke minst så unike foreldre...
tenker på dere...
lykke til videre...
hilde B
Takk for mange lovord.
SvarSlettMarius skriver litt innimellom, blandt annet det some r skrivd her.
Vi satser også på at alt blir bra til slutt,
og det er ingen tvil om hvem som er helter her; det er de fantastic 4!